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These are posts from the Kung Fu: The Legend Continues Facebook Group. These posts are a variety of articles about Fan Fiction. 

Rated: G
Categories: FB Group Characters: All characters
Episode Tag: None
Genres: None
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1402 Read: 7289
Published: Dec 03, 2022 Updated: Dec 03, 2022
Story Notes:

Articles organized by date...

1. Chapter 1: What IS Fanfiction? by SBerry [Reviews - 0] (589 words)

Images that accompanied the article were various KF: TLC fanzine flyers.

2. Chapter 2: Part One - Role of the BETA in Fanfiction by SBerry [Reviews - 0] (813 words)

October 7, 2022

Image that accompanied the article was a meme "Do I Need a BETA Reader?"